At sixty-six, when I look back on my life, I could not be more pleased with how it has unfolded. Among other things, I am pleased that my life has been full of unusual and exciting events. Most of these events were freely chosen: living overseas, working as a missionary, moving from a house to an apartment to do ministry, cycling through Europe. Some of the most exciting events occurred because others talked me into it: jumping off a 50-foot cliff into a pool of water and traveling to Africa come to mind. And a few of these exciting events occurred apart from any choice on my part: rebellious teenage boys, unexpected unemployment, spending six days in a hospital in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
I have not gone looking for unusual or exciting events. However, I have been looking for a life that was meaningful and would make the world a better place, and the unusual and exciting events found me as a result. This deep desire to live a life of purpose has led, for me, to incredible adventures. In addition to wanting a meaningful life, I made a commitment early in my life to not make decisions based on fear. The world is a dangerous place and I have never wanted to live in foolish ways, but I believe on a deep level that the good life involves taking calculated risks.
I am currently on an adventure I did not choose. A little over a month ago, Debbie, my wife of 47 years, who I love to the moon and back, was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. For us this is an unusual event as neither of us has dealt with cancer before. It is also exciting as we are unsure of exactly how this adventure is going to end. Like all adventures there are times of fear and surprises. One of the really fun surprises is how well we have been cared for by doctors in Cheyenne who we had not previously met. Their willingness to call us back quickly, show a deep level of compassion, and spend unhurried time with us has been surprising.
What hasn’t been a surprise is that our situation has given our church family in Denver and our neighbors the opportunity to tangibly express their love for us, and we have been overwhelmed by their generosity. It is definitely a benefit of being on the adventure.
There is no reason to think that this adventure will not turn out like the other adventures in my life. Although we don’t know exactly how it will end, we know that when it does end our faith will be deeper, our relationships will be stronger, and our life purpose will be in better focus.
So, although this adventure is scary and there are moments of fear, I am at peace. And although I would not have chosen this adventure, I have no doubt that my Heavenly Father who loves me has chosen this adventure for me so that I would be more conformed to His image.
Today, I pray that whatever adventure you are on you get a glimpse of how God is using it to make you more like Jesus. I pray that you would allow others to come alongside you in your adventure so that you are not alone on the journey. And I pray that your adventure would give you a clear vision of the mission that God has called you to.